Artists, Weavers
Discover our carefully curated selection of Contemporary Textiles and Tapestries at Flow.
Aino Kajaniemi, a contemporary Finnish Textile Artist. Forming drawn stories of human moments through tapestries.
Ase Ljones, a Norwegian Textile Artist uses "Hardangersaum" a special form of embroidery from her district. Formed of circular primhol stitches.
Catarina Riccabona, a London-based Textile Artist. Working at the loom in a spontaneous, intuitive manner.
Chris and Stephanie Housley, American Textile Artists add their signature storytelling spirit to every room.
Debbie Smyth, a British Artist plotting images before filling with thread. Debbie's textile art reveals sharp angles contrasting with the floating ends of the thread.
Maria Sigma is a London-based Greek textile designer and weaver specialising in 'zero waste' hand-woven contemporary textiles for interiors.
Marian Bijlenga, a Dutch Textile Artist. Spatial wall drawings with worked elements of horsehair, viscose, paper, glass and fish scales.
Yoriko Murayama, a Japanese Textile Artist. The familiar form of a house, its nostalgic landscape is woven using Ikat techniques with natural dyes, plane weaving, silk and abaca.