Stories & News
Discover the stories behind our collaborations with our makers and other creatives. Find out more about recent events and those we have coming up.

Join James Trundle & Isobel Napier on a trip to the timber yard as they select boards for their upcoming showcase at Collect 2025.

Light Embodied – A View of our Solo Show by Edmond Byrne
An uplifting colour palette.

The Opening of ‘In-Between’ by Kina Björklund
Swedish Ceramicist Kina Björklund showcases ceramic objects that are “ ... just in between.”

In-Between, a solo show by Kina Björklund
In-Between, a solo show by Kina Björklund opening on the 1 July - 17 September 2021

The Opening of ‘Capturing Stillness’ by JaeJun Lee & Hayley McCrirrick
The opening of our exhibition ‘Capturing Stillness’. The refinement of Korean Ceramicist JaeJun Lee and Scottish Artist Hayley McCrirrick processes captures a tranquil and welcoming stillness to the gallery.

‘Capturing Stillness’ by JaeJun Lee & Hayley McCrirrick
‘Capturing Stillness’ is an exhibition of porcelain objects and dyed textiles. The exhibition showcases South Korean Ceramicist JaeJun Lee and Scottish Artist Hayley McCrirrick. Both artists capture a stillness through a refined palette and materials. They are led by their making process, allowing the repetition of core techniques to embody their intuition. The refinement of their processes showcases an exhibition that captures a tranquil and welcoming stillness to the gallery.

‘Einsame Blumen’, Cécile Daladier — Exhibition
Now Online our joyous celebration of flowers by French artist Cécile Daladier. We are showcasing a collection of Cecile’s ceramic Pique-Fleurs, that are inspired by Robert Schumann’s poetic ensemble ‘Einsame Blumen’. Schuman’s subtle and poetic music vocabulary resonates with Cecile’s relationship to flowers, clay and nature.

‘21 Objects’, Ane Christensen — Exhibition
Flow is delighted to showcase the work of Danish artist Ane Christensen in ‘21 Objects” — a celebration of both Flow’s and Ane’s twenty-first birthday.

Ceramic Landscapes — Exhibition
We are delighted to share the opening of our latest exhibition, showcasing the work of two established Norwegian Ceramicists, Nina Malterud and Astrid Sleire. Open 30th September - 14th November by appointment only.